Virtual meeting on Microsoft Teams
9:30-10:30 AM
Member Updates
Doug Tisdale-RTD
RTD Accountability committee has approved regional sub-committees to create opportunity for greater local participation in terms of scheduling and planning. Currently, the sub-committee plan does not include LCCs existing throughout the regional transportation district. Mr. Tisdale has requested that a proposal be entered incorporating LCCs into sub regional councils.
Karie Erickson- DCTS/ ARDC
ACA is forming a sub-committee to focus specifically on transportation; meeting outside ACA, and brainstorming outside the box. Rick Marrow (DRCOG lobbyist) will influence the financial component. Updates to be provided.
Also- Karie is stepping down as chair of DCTS and moving on now that Donielle is the mobility manager.
Dan Raine from the City of Lone Tree:
Link on Demand transit program and recovery of services during the pandemic:
Relaunched in October 2020, with enhanced safety measures with new, higher efficiency vehicles. Per social distancing requirements, maximum occupancy of the vehicle is 4 people.
Link is currently running a reduced service, using only one singular vehicle, with a set schedule: Mon-Thurs: 7 AM to 7 PM, Friday 7 AM to 7 PM, Saturday 10 AM to 10 PM. There is no Sunday service.
Destinations during the pandemic focus largely on retail, multi-family housing, as well as larger attractors, such as medical services at Kaiser Permanente, and retail opportunities at Target, Safeway and the Park Meadows Shopping Resort.
Tina Dill from Douglas County
Douglas County is working on consolidating plan for community development block grant. They are asking the community for input on funds from HUD. Currently working on 5-year plan to submit to HUD.
Community members who have been impacted by economic strain due to COVID-19 pandemic are encouraged to participate through the following survey:
DCTS LCC Chairperson Updates
Donielle Suber:
Due to pandemic, there was little opportunity to implement 2020 plan. Currently focusing on 2021 implementation plan.
Bylaws: Looking at bylaws which have not been updated since 2014: Seeking input on anything needing to be put forth to county commissioners. She would like to have contributions by September. Donielle will send a copy of bylaws for review and asks that members please be ready to discuss any changes or proposed amendments at June meeting.
Preparing 2022 implementation plan: Donielle will reach out to each member in DCTS regarding each member organization’s purpose and how it ties into our specific organizations. Also, she will discuss opportunities for transportation as seen around the nation as well as any current services to identify strengths to alleviate any gaps. She will take information from these conversations to DCTS council by December, so the council can approve and prepare guidelines for 2022.
Seeking new chairperson: Since there is no longer a DCTS chair, Donielle will want to identify executive committee leaders willing to work with Donielle and DCTS to prepare the new implementation plan. Please advise or recommend any people who would be a good fit- Goal is to have in place by 3rd qtr (Sept)
Jennifer Eby
DCTS was developed to explore how transportation needs could be met with finite funding. Since then, DCTS has evolved: Providers have increased capacity, funding needs are increased, and there is a strong need in DC for more transportation options. Resetting and reevaluating is a great opportunity to look beyond the current scope: Expanding communities served, making more services available through partnerships, leveraging current resources. Jennifer highlighted this group’s ability to leverage that and encouraged the team to be ready.
Mobility Program Coordinator Updates
- Grant Funding Status
HST (Human Services Transportaton grant approved by board of county commissioners 2nd week in March. Donielle will be drafting sub-grantee agreements and sending to providers soon.
RTD Local Fund Grant was received early March- Legal is looking over.
SVT (Seniors and Vulnerable Transportation) grant: should be receiving in April. Funds need to be spent by June 30. This will be retroactive and eligible trips from Jan will be noted.
5310- DRCOG still working on the contract but should have by April. This too will be dated to Federal award date. DCTS has been instructed to use HST funds at front end and then 5310 funds.
2021 DCTS Planning/Goals
2020 total trips: 22,423. Most were deliveries, medical, qual of life: incidental (See Transportation Services Dashboard chart).
Big thank you: Funding sources: 5310,7604, HST, DRGOG all made reverse services possible during COVID-19 pandemic. Hopefully these reverse services will continue to be funded.
NEXT MEETING: Virtual via Microsoft Teams
THURSDAY, JUNE 24, 2021 9:30 – 10:30 a.m.