12/14/2020 Boulder LCC
Mission – Overcome transportation gaps in the community – including multi-modal education
- Boulder LCC Priorities
- Understand Medicaid transportation better
- Ride Free Longmont and now Ride Free Lafayette
- Address gaps in transportation in Boulder outside of RTD coverage
- Boulder LCC 2020 Accomplishments & Goals
- Accomplishments -9 meetings, 338 attendees (not including December meeting)- 75% increase in attendance
- Goals-Medicaid transportation panel, Mountain volunteer driver plan, Ride Free Lafayette, Address RTD Access-a-Ride barriers, Promote RTD-LiVE program, Address COVID gaps, Overcome technology
- Boulder LCC Updates
- Mountain volunteer driver plan – draft has been completed and is now available for comment at https://boco.org/M4APeakRidePlan. Key findings: need for flexible program, build on current networks already existing there, insurance and liability is a stumbling block, service area is not yet set
- Ride Free Lafayette – so far people are very happy with the service, people want the app to be in Spanish, people want to be able to set up recurring rides. There is a “How to” for downloading apps on boco.org.
- Funding Coordination-DRCOG HST set aside obtained will help fund a second year of Ride Free Lafayette. It will also help fund an Access-a-Ride certification center feasibility study. Electric Vehicle CarShare proposal was not funded.
- RTD LiVE program- In Boulder County there have been 378 approved. Peak platform is not mobile friendly. This is a large barrier for households who only have a phone to reach the internet.
- Looking forward in 2021 -will be focusing on HST plan and a request for quote, will also be developing the Mountain area volunteer driver plan.