Boulder Local Coordinating Council (LCC) – February 10th, 2020
Transit Advocates
Location: 515 Coffman Street, Longmont, CO 80501 (Room 112S)
Meet every month 2:00pm-4:00pm
Even months – Longmont
Odd months – Boulder
Access a Ride (AaR) Discussion
Certification process

Jeffco Local Coordinating Council (LCC) – February 6, 2020
Transit AdvocatesLocation: Seniors’ Resource Center - 3227 Chase St., Wheat Ridge, CO (3rd Floor Conference Rm)
Dawn will step down as Chair effective in March. Joe Lamars has said that he would like to replace her. Currently no one else has volunteered,…

Denver Streets Partnership – “Climate Change in Denver – Opportunities for Building Resilience.”
The Denver Streets Partnership is partnering with Denver Community Active Living Coalition to host bimonthly meetings where you can learn more about how to get involved with events and projects focused on improving active transportation…

Vision Zero Valentine’s Day Love In 2020 on Friday, February 14
NewsOur annual Valentine's Day Love In event is back! For the fifth year in a row, we are celebrating our love for safe streets by holding a rally at the City & County building in support of Vision Zero. This year's theme is transit as we continue…

Group Living Ordinance Changes Possible
NewsInformation from District 6 Newsletter (Paul Kashmann - Denver City Councilman):
A project team developing updates to Denver’s zoning regulations for residential uses will hold a series of meetings this month to present proposed changes…

Strategic Action Plan Group on Aging (SAPGA) – February 2020
Transit AdvocatesOutreach meeting at Aurora Center for Active Adults
Topic: Community-Based Successes and Strengths:
Denver Regional Mobility and Access Council – DRMAC
o Creating an app that will be age-friendly (e.g., large font, user friendly)

Community Active Living Coalition Newsletter
CALC envisions Denver as a city with safe, convenient, & fun spaces to walk, roll, bike, and take transit where residents of all ages and abilities can connect to their environment…

Colorado vowed to end the waitlist for an adult disability program by 2020. Nearly 3,000 people are still waiting.
INC Transportation Committee – January 9, 2020
Transit AdvocatesTopic 1 – RTD Board Perspective on Operator Shortage, General Manager Search, and Reimagine RTD – Jeff Walker, RTD Director (District D) Q & A
Driver Operating Shortage
Service changes every 4 months
Reductions often happen…